Thornberry's Sheffield street collection

Flaming June not apparent at Thornberry’s Sheffield street collection but supporters’ warmth evident in force

Huge thanks are due to the generous and supportive shoppers of Sheffield out on The Moor on a blustery June day, who contributed £336.33 in just the four hours allowed for a street collection. Their interest in animal welfare and in the work of Thornberry in alleviating the plight of neglected and abandoned pets was good to hear. It was especially heart-warming for our seven volunteers who gave their time up freely to help raise funds to support animals in need. One volunteer in particular was struggling to cope with the unseasonable chill of the wind but stayed to the end despite strongly feeling the cold. Thanks go to all of you who help Thornberry by volunteering your time and efforts in so many ways. 

There are four more street collection days, mainly Saturdays,  booked for Thornberry on The Moor this year: 13th July, 7th September, 1st November (a Friday) and 21st December. Volunteers are welcome to join us. Contact Jane Sara on:  suggesting one or more of the dates and leaving contact details. Offering just the few hours needed between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. on each date shares out the number of helpers needed.  And even on a day when the weather is a little cool, the reception from our wonderful public of animal lovers is always warm. 

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